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OTO's Ritual skincare trials earn rave reviews

"The benefits go beyond skin deep" - Paul M

OTO Ritual Skincare trials have drawn to a close, with resounding praise

At OTO, we strive to make products that are both effective and enjoyable to use… and whilst we are confident in delivering this, you shouldn't just take our word for it. That’s why we run extensive consumer trials on all our products; so that we can continue to perfect and refine the optimum CBD experience for our customers.

At the back end of 2020, we launched OTO’s Ritual Skincare Collection, which includes the Ritual CBD Serum and Ritual CBD Day Cream.

43 participants were given both products to try. They were then sent a series of questions to gauge their opinion on the products efficacy, enjoyability, and whether they would recommend them to others.

The consumer trial results

Reported softer, smoother and less tired skin
Said their skin felt more hydrated or nourished
Would recommend OTO's ritual collection to a friend
Prefer OTO products to their existing skincare routine

What people said about the ritual range

"It brought youthfulness and life back to my skin" - Alexander A

"The essential oils infused in the serum are so calming and restorative"- Lizzie E

"It's like having a little mini spa moment!" - Izzy P

"Applying the Day Cream has been pure happiness" - Steph H

"I absolutely love everything about it: the sensation, the texture, the freshness, the smell… it is somehow instantly relaxing" - Laetitia B

"Supports wellness in a truly holistic fashion" - Cesca T

"I can’t wait to get my friends hooked on OTO!" - Steph C

"They are the perfect spoiling gift!!" - Helena H

We find it extremely validating to hear our customers experience with our products; it continues to motivate us on our daily mission to help people discover the power of CBD... and it's incredible skincare benefits are just the tip of the iceberg.

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